Yes its Wednesday. Woooo hooo. MY life is getting crazy. This morning my Plan called for a 1 hour run at 2 RPE and finishing with 3 RPE. Well i ended up doing 1 hour and 10 mins. I wanted to go a bit longer but i have not been sleeping well lately and i was SUPER tired. It was one of those mornings your drag yourself out of bed and i didnt seem to wake up.
I saw all my friends at the YMCA this morning. I have been going there a good solid 2.5 years now 5 days a week on average and i realised just how many people i know there now. I still do not know all there names yet (yes i am lame) but they all give me the 'Nod' and sometimes even stop for chatter.
Last night i got on my trainer. As i just felt like i needed some extra biking. I so miss biking outside! I hopeing the temperture but be up enough for me to take my mountain bike out. I used the Sufferfest video on my laptop and i was a super good workout.
Towards the end i got iunterested in the 'Lost' recap on TV that my wife was watching so i ended up losing a little bit of speed. I really like the attitude on the sufferfest videos. The guy that puts them together is super funny. One of his tweets said 'Hello Bike, i have come to destroy you'
I have been doing better about not eating after 6pm. I find i sleep much better and i am sure i consume less calories that way.
Todays picture was taken yesterday morning on my way out the door after my swim to my car in the car park.
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