Yes Jan is over. Ok well it was over yesterday and i forgot to post my totals:
Run: 15h 6m 88.9miles
Bike: 15h 12m 318miles
Swim: 3hr 45min 8500yards
Today i did an actual swim workout instead of just doing lap after lap. This seemed to make it go faster. I felt like a major dork writing my workout up on the swim teams black board with some caulk but you gotta do what you gotta do.
I am glad i payed for the half Iron Man yesterday because i found out i have a new financial burden today and its a biggie. I might not have signed up if i had waited till i found this out today. Probably means i am going to have to cut back some actual races. I think i am going to do some self supported race distances in the summer to keep me feeling like i am racing.
Turns out i owe some lovely taxes too. First time ever. I told one of my out of state friends i owe Wisconsin some money and she said that would of made her really made and want to kick a cow!
My training session was only 46 mins long today. It felt weird not going at least an hour. I have a 1 hour run scheduled tomorrow so i am saving myself for it. Last year i did some work for the company that puts on alot of the Triathlons here. Basically i just set out cones and what not. And for that i got free race entry!!! woot!!. MAybe i should call them again this year. :)
Oh todays picture is courtesy of my 8 year old daughter.
I love that two of my area's largest race directors give free entries to volunteers. My husband volunteers and I get to race for free! You might consider recruiting your wife to assist! For Valentine's Day, I'm running a trail race for free, my husband is volunteering and afterwards we're going out for a nice lunch - how romantic is that???