I did it! The Green Bay Triathlon is all over. I finished it on Sunday and it was a great time. I will give you a run down but there is also a race report here :

I got to site in a time that i thought was early at 5:45am however plenty of people were already there for the 7am start time. I had already picked up my packet the day before in they very cool expo. My kids got to do an obstacle course and i got plenty of free samples. There was also plenty of running gear on sale there.I got my shirt and race number. Here they are and my kids in super action

After finding my bike spot i got set up with my balloon hanging on the rack so i was easy to spot on my way into transition and found some of my friends doing the event. The setup was really small but i have done worse. It was time to get my wetsuit on and get ready to go.

The swim was fine and i finished in 12.09 was was about 30 seconds of improvement from last years swim. It was 800 yards. You can walk about half of the two loop swim so it is great for newbies. I did see a life guard dive in for someone but i do not know what the outcome was. I draughted off some fast swimmers for a little ways. The water is a man
made bond with a beach. The rain had started but by the end of the swim it stopped again. It was very overcast and i hoped it was not going to rain on the ride.

I took some Extra time in T1 to put my arm warmers on as it was still cold. The talc power in my socks trick worked fantastic getting my wet feet in them. I should of put some in my arm warmers too. T1 was 5:01. Long i know but last year was 6 minutes. The bike went good. It was 29 miles. I MADE myself go slow for the first half keeping my HR to 130. The second half i let my HR get up to about 140 then at the end i gave it all and got my HR up to 150. Total bike time was 1 hour 35min 20 seconds. This was an improvement of 4 minutes over last years time. Not amazing but i think the wind was stronger this year.

Wow the picture of me in black with black arm warmers is funny! Next it was on to the Run. Through my running shoes on and pulled my arm warmers off. The run was fantastic! It was a meant to be a 10k but i think it was more like 10.5 or 11k. I started slow like my plan had told me to. Kept HR 130. Halfway through i was feeling good so i upped it to 140 and started overtaking people which never happens on my runs! I worked hard at the last 4K and got my HR to 160 and kept it there! I was amazed to go this fast! I felt great and finished the run in 54:23. One of my best 10K times and this was after a 29mile ride.Last years 10k was 1 hour and 3
mins! This was a pace of 8:46
I grabbed some audio from the event and i just need time to put the Podcast together. It should be coming out this week. Overall i was AMAZED with my running speed. I had no idea i could keep up a heart rate of 160 for that long. I used to HATE HR training but i think it is making me a faster athlete now.
Total Time :2hrs 48:35.3 Last Years time : 3hrs 4:15.3
Divisional : 4th Place Last year: 8th Place
Next event is the Bellin 10K this weekend! Here are some more random photos of the event.
great race & great time improvement. It's good to be able to look back from a race a year ago and see how far you've come. I'll be able to that in July and I'm really looking forward to that.
ReplyDeleteThanks Patrick!! It is great. Next year it will be even greater!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great job you did Jon!! Love the race report! You improved so much, amazing! All your half iron training is paying off for sure.
ReplyDeleteYou're doing GREAT baby! VERY impressive improvement :)
ReplyDeleteThose are some great times Jon!!!! Super great!
ReplyDeleteGood photos too :) Sadly, around here, I don't think the arm warmers would be optional..... just plain freezing, so sad.