Yes i am off out of town to a convention in New Orleans. I have to set up our booth on Sat/Sun and the show starts on Monday.
Yesterday i started off the day with a huge Migraine, by 4 pm i finally shook it and by 6 pm i was feeling much better. I managed to get in a 2 hour bike ride and a 1 hour swim in the evening.
I also started a 100 push up program. There is a app for my itouch/iphone out there on itunes called hundred push ups you can down load. It is normally $2 but it is only $1 for the month of march! Its an awesome app! it even gives you your rest period countdown. To start with you put in how many push ups you can do right now non stop. I squeezed out 20 before collapsing. A few months ago i could of made 27 but i have been slacking on my push runs of late. Then it builds a program for you from there. I highly recommend it.
I called my hotel for the week last night and asked them to give me a refrigerator in my room so i could eat healthy while i am there. That's going to be a challenge because it is a Dunkin Brands show and i am SURE they are going to have lots of free samples..GULP...
Well i got 5 mins before i have to head to the airport so i best go pack.
O the picture is from when i left the gym in the morning this week..enjoy.
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